Award for Best Blog Entry of the Year
There is no award for this category. There were nominations: some nominated a post from a history oriented blog, some from theory blogs, some literature, our humorists gained votes. And in a few cases, some blogs received multiple votes, but utterly different individual posts were suggested! So no single blog entry received more than one vote. The problem isn't with my colleagues' blogs, methinks, but with the category's very general nature. Should I do this next year, I will refine.
Award for Blog Entry that Fueled Research
This too is a category not worded properly. But the intent is to find out what blog entry written by someone other than the nominator caused the nominator to take on some research (though there were some who nominated their own blog entries, that once written, fueled research and are now being written up into papers).
The winner getting the most votes is Jonathan Jarrett's Carolingian Charters Series.
Award for Blog That Best Serves the Medieval Community
This was a hard one, many votes. There were 2 that came out on top, but the winner by a nose is The Great Nokes' Unlocked Wordhoard. Congratulations Scott!
Recognition for Best Electronic Article on a Medieval Topic
No nominations in this category. So I'll propose one. Really 4 articles in a column, but three began as blog posts before showing up in the Heroic Age. State of the Field in Anglo-Saxon Studies
Award for Best Entry Making Fun of Ourselves
Well, the monkey manuscript images at Got Medieval received some votes, but the most votes went to Geoffrey Chaucer Hath A Blog
Best New Medieval Book of the Year
Only one nomination in this category, and it was for a 2007 book: Alaric Hall's Elves in Anglo-Saxon England
Best Medievalism Web Site of the Year
the PEAA goes to: Got Medieval?
Best Podcast on Medieval Subject
There were several nominees in this category, which surprised me especially as I added it late. The nominees are all worth mentioning:
Scott Farrell's was a frequent vote getter.
All Things Medieval also received some nods, a site I had not known about before.
Scott Nokes podcasts for Old English class was mentioned, though I don't know that he was able to finish the podcasts or get them collected into a site.
But the PEAA goes to: Anglo-Saxon Aloud--what a great project. I would love to see some similar endeavors in other Medieval literatures!
There were several categories that nothing was nominated in. Obviously some refinement is necessary.
But let me say that I always find my fellow medieval bloggers a collegial and informative group. Thank you all, even those not mentioned, for all you do for the field and for me personally. Keep writing!
Natural Affection
3 hours ago
I'm flattered, especially given that that isn't a pair of posts I'd thought too much about, being essentially reflexive. I shall have to pick up the theme again at some point!
Thank your readers, they voted.
Right now, I'm serving the medieval community by forgetting to link to this post! I'll set it up to post tomorrow, I guess.
I'm glad you ran these awards. It was an inspired idea.
So... I won something?
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