A long, long overdue post in so many ways. Three things:
1) I have an article that has now appeared in the summer issue of Anglia! I'm rather pleased by this, though I still prefer my original to what was published, but still I'm very happy about this and very proud of this article. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/angl.2016.134.issue-2/ang-2016-0026/ang-2016-0026.xml?format=INT
2) At long last my book, Aelfric's Letter to Sigeweard, is in the publisher's hands, Witan Press. Hopefully that will appear this fall.
3) The other thing is that I am looking to move to another position if I can land one. I should be able to, but it would be grand to teach 3/3 or even, dare I hope, 2/2 and have some time to think, research, think, and write.
Feed the Poor
1 day ago
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